Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day After Tomorrow

Hello guys!

Day after tomorrow is "important" day :) We are going to compete in winner class in obedience! I don't expect anything of that competition. I only hope that Niji will do her best and will be on good mode (happy like always). The result isn't important because we haven't practiced enough. There is a minimal chance to have 1st result, but I'm quite sure that we will really need more practice ;) We are going to some training days where will be trainers to help us (world champion obedience trainer on other day and obedience judge on other). Hopefully we will get some good advices to our problems :) We have also agilitytraining day.

We haven't done anything special since last writing. Nepo's right hindleg have bothered him little. There is a muscel witch is "jammed". I have massaged him a lot and the leg is better now. Well untill yesterday. Nepo jumped over a trench and somehow injured the leg. He was really painfull yesterday evening and didn't even eat! This morning he did ate with really good apetite! That is a really good sing :) Nepo have to rest couple of days now and hopefully the leg will cure after that. He uses the leg now, but don't use it properly yet.

I have finally got some grip to myself and done some tracks for Niji. Her nose is sharp like always :) Her tracking style is good on field and in forest. Hopefully we will compete in tracking on next spring :) We have to improve our obedience before that and train tracking some more.

I almost forgot! Niji did get her first certificate from our latest show!! :D Two to go and here we need also working results before she can be a Finnish champion ;)

Here is some photos of Nepo and Niji :)